Out of stockOur eighth ornament in this series, released in 2004, is of the James Morland Residence, located at 150 First Street. Built in 1859, Morland's residence, a late Greek Revival, was enlarged in 1886 with Italianate proportions and Greek Revival details. < Go back to ornament catalog
Out of stockOur thirteenth Christmas ornament, released in 2009, is of the Wellington Jersey Home, 245 Pleasant St. Italianate residence completed in 1870 at a cost of $1800. Owned by Tom and Isabel Cox. < Go back to ornament catalog
Out of stockOur fifth ornament in this series, released in 2001, is of the David Rowley Residence, located at 307 Chandler. A beautiful Gothic style, built in 1871 at a cost of $6000. < Go back to ornament catalog
Out of stockOur sixth ornament in this series, released in 2002, is of the George A. Dewey Residence, located at 147 Church St. This Colonial Revival home is identified by its asymmetrical facade, third floor palladian window and its five bay windows. < Go back to ornament catalog
Out of stockOur seventh ornament in this series, released in 2003, is of the George Washington Brabb house, located at 185 S. Main St. This large Italianate residence was erected in 1877. The residence now serves as a bed and breakfast, wedding chapel and tea room. Romeo Village Winery offers their "Brabb House, Chardonnay" wine with this house on their label. < Go back to ornament catalog
Out of stockOur third ornament, released in 1999, is of the Leonard Eldred residence at 349 N. Main Street. Built in 1901, this Queen Anne style home includes a wrap around front porch with a heart shaped entrance. < Go back to ornament catalog
The 15th annual commemorative Christmas ornament features the Rowley-Gray home also called the 'Wedding Cake’ house. This home on Church St. is an elaborate yellow sided, white trimmed two story architectural confection overflowing with Victorian detail. Built in 1869 for about $5,000 by David H. Rowley, it stands today. < Go back to ornament catalog
Our twelfth ornament in this series, released in 2008, is of the Rhoda Newberry residence, located at 195 S. Main St. This Victorian Gothic residence was constructed c. 1872 for the mother of Michigan State Senator, the Honorable John S. Newberry. < Go back to ornament catalog
Our tenth ornament in this series, released in 2006, is of the 1914 Walter Rumsey residence, located at 439 North Main St. This Craftsman Bungalow is a product of the Revolutionary Arts and Crafts movement of the early 20th century. < Go back to ornament catalog
The 14th annual commemorative Christmas ornament is of a beautiful Queen Anne home located on North Main Street in Romeo. Built by R.M. Bickford in 1890 for around $2,000, this magnificent home served as the first parsonage of the Congregational Church. As with many Queen Anne-style buildings, this home reflects Japanese influence, which was very popular at the time. This can be seen in the geometric patterns in the porch railings, and is visible in the interior staircase and woodwork. < Go back to ornament catalog
Out of stockThe Alvin Ayers Residence located at 419 N. Main Street was built in 1856. < Go back to ornament catalog
2024 -The S. Leon Ewell Residence (1905) 140 West St. Clair Street < Go back to ornament catalog
The Alice Rolls Residence 163 Church Street c.1903 Colonial Revival available at Connelly's Creations 175 N. Main, Town Hall Antiques 205 N. Main, and Two Romeo Girls 220 N. Main. < Go back to ornament catalog
The Dr. Watson Loud Residence located at 264 N. Main Street was built in 1849. < Go back to ornament catalog
Our eleventh ornament in this series, released in 2007, is of the Samuel Ewell residence, located at 372 N. Bailey St. Samuel Ewell arrived in Romeo from Massachusetts in 1836 and constructed this Greek Revival residence soon after. It stands as possibly the oldest residence in Romeo. < Go back to ornament catalog
The Harvey Eldred Residence. c. 1896 When Harvey Eldred (1842-1899) retired from farming in Bruce Twp. he was able to build a fine Queen Anne residence in Romeo. It is the largest of the Queen Anne style homes in Romeo. < Go back to ornament catalog
George H. Holman Residence (c.1854) 384 N. Main, Romeo, MI < Go back to ornament catalog
Marvel Brabb House (c. 1873). 372 N. Main St., Romeo, MI. Marvel I. Brabb(1847-1926), a native of Bruce Twp., established "an enviable reputation in banking circles" as director and later president of the First National Bank in Romeo. His elaborate Italianate residence built by R.F. Odion in 1873 and his extensive gardens and fountains to the south (now destroyed) made the Brabb residence a "showplace" in Romeo for over a generation. < Go back to ornament catalog
Our fourth ornament in the series, released in 2000, is of the First Congregational Church, located at 102 Church Street. Built 1875-1877, it was designed by a talented 27 yr old Charles H. Marsh, from Rochester, New York. < Go back to ornament catalog
Our second ornament, released in 1998, is of the Ransom B. Moore residence, located at 439 Prospect. Built in 1871, this beautiful Italianate was the costliest residence built at that time. TD Village Wines offers their "Prospect Hill, Malbec" wine with this house on the label. < Go back to ornament catalog
The Roy Brooks Home (c. 1922). < Go back to ornament catalog
Our ninth ornament in this series, released in 2005, is of the Re. Dr. Henry White residence, located at 136 Minot St. This impressive "Turn of the Century" residence, c. 1895-1903, reflects unusual architectural design. While primarily Colonial Revival in style, Richardsonian Romanesque styling is evident in second floor features. < Go back to ornament catalog
Robert W. Elliot Residence (c. 1901). < Go back to ornament catalog
G. Galbrath Residence (c. 1873). 354 Chandler Street, Romeo, MI. < Go back to ornament catalog
2023 The Buzzell-Lucas Residence (1884) 244 Pleasant Street < Go back to ornament catalog
2022 - 450 N Main < Go back to ornament catalog